I am back.................................................................!!!
Its been 10 months and a few day since my last confession ...ooops sorry ....Since my last post. Damn has it really been that long...crickey!!
I tried updating my blog in November but just couldn't bring myself to put anything up because i was very overwhelmed with plans and the usual issues at that time....but Thank God its all over now!!
Gods been kind and merciful to me in my moments of distress and has brought me through that storm safely. For that I am very grateful to HIM!!
My dearest THIRTY + , Writefreak , Olamild , Naapali , Zena , SOLOMONSYDELLE ,guerreiranigeriana , Sha, Afrobabe , UndaCovaSista , I am soo sorry for the long silence and promise to make it up to all of you.
Words can not describe the love and gratitude that I have for my blog ville family, your kind words of support and encouragement also gave me hope and saw me through my time of need.
May God Almighty abundantly reward you all. ...wow.. I am getting teary eyed....!
The last 10 months have been filled with ups and downs and have been the most difficult 10 months of my life as I had to make decisions and actions that will go a long way to determining the sort of life that i live.
Enuff mumbo jumbo...... for those of you who are lost.....(refer to my previous posts)...Yes so where was I.....oh yes i was about to drop gist!!....lol
Mr finally proposed can you believe it... the dude took his sweet time.....but he couldn't have picked a better time and place.
Remember how i use to moan about him not popping the question?! In fact it got to a point where i started wondering if he was just stringing me along; as we had decided in Jan 2008 that we were going to be getting married that year with or without my mum.......
Things started taking shape after my graduation, as i had no more assignments and bits to worry about. We decided in June that December will be the best time for the wedding as most of our friends and family tend to travel home - Ghana and Nigeria for Christmas and decided that the wedding will take place in Ghana (dont go making faces...where else was the wedding supposed to take place...Abi Mr's people have to come and 'beg' for me.....lol) date was later confirmed and planning went into full drive......booking of venue, fittings, picking and sending invitation cards etc.
All this while i kept telling myself that Mr was going yo be popping the question anytime soon. Even my friends were more anxious than i was.....lol ...they always kept asking questions like So Mr...any plans for this weekend where are you taking our friend....how dumb !! Were they actually expecting him to say ohhhh I'm thinking of taking Arewa to.......to propose to her. All this time I was actually snooping around for receipts and clues but found nada!!!
So i decided to forget about him popping the question although it was sometimes embarrassing as people start looking at your finger the minute you mention that you are planning your wedding...especially when it is less than 6 months away!! Oh Lord... this dude showed me proper.
We took a trip to Ghana shortly before the wedding to see my family as my mum still wasn't interested in our plans. the trip was a very successful one as i had 100% support and blessings from both my mum and my fathers family.
It had been a very long and stressful day at my uncles house- going to final prep for traditional wedding and all the other activities......All i wanted to do was get home shower and sleep.....next thing.....
Mr: Babe, do you know of any nice spots around here where we can have something to eat
Me: (Sounding very pissed off) I asked you if you were hungry and wanted us to get something to eat about 5 mins ago when we went past Osu (happening area witha lot of joints) and you said NO so what is this about getting food now.......!!!
Mr: (In a very calm voice) Dont stress now Shebi it is just food; I am sure we can get something nice to snack on or eat around here. Anyway...dont worry, my friends told me of this nice restaurant around Airport residential ... i think we should check it out
Me: Whatever........... food is food and your the fussy eater
Driver pulls up in front of a cool looking restaurant...about 10 mins later.....the place was nice and cosy but nothing more to it....lol...dont mind me it was a nice place I was just feeling very grumpy and tired.....So sat down ordered a few things fro m the menu and started to eat.
Half way through his dinner.............
Mr: Babe... i just need to pop our to check on the driver back in a mo
Me: OK
He returns after 2 mins.....
Mr: Babes come with me I want to show you something
Mr: Yes he is fine....just want to show you something
Me:Ah ahhhhh!! What now!! (I am thinking...what the &$**@ is going on...all i want to do is eat, go home shower and sleep)
He leads me through the car park and down to the side of the restaurant - which has a very lovely garden, with a mad made waterfall and a nice view of the area as the restaurant is situated on top of a hill.
Mr: I just wanted to show you the waterfall....
Me: What about it... it is not a real one anyway!! Are you sure you are OK.....you mean you do not feel like we have had a stressful day.................dont get me wrong hon, this view is lovely but not tonight.............i feel really tired and dont want to be a kill joy .......but i am not feeling this..maybe another day....... ( I started to walk away..He garbs my hand)
Mr: (he gives me a hug) Babe I know its been a very stressful day but just calm down and try and relax....(he pulls away and puts something in my palm)
Me: (Still not feeling the vibe and looking pissed and stressed) What do you want me to...........
THAT WAS WHEN IT HIT ME..... IT WAS A BOX... NO ORDINARY BOX OH.....ONE THAT A RING COULD FIT INTO!!! At this point Mr was down on one knee with tears in his eyes.....Giving me a speech about how he was sorry it had taken this long to do 'this' and how he has never doubted me and hopes he is doing the thing and wants nothing more than to see me happy and to make me his wife.... oh yeah and something a praying that God gives him the ability to be all that a husband should be and moreeeee......
Mr: My darling Arewa.......will you do me the honor of being my wife......?
Me: (By this time ... i didnt know whether to jump, sit, cry, scream......) Yes yes.. yes... i willll
it was only when he put the ring on my finger and I suddenly realised that i couldn't see the ring properly (to inspect it...lol) that i realised that tears of joy had flooded my eyes.
Pheew.... its happening again!!! - TEARS of JOY.
**Mr and I got married a week before Christmas and everything went smoothly...we even had a traditional ceremony - Introduction.. knocking....etc.
Will you in sooon....dont worry it won't be long. Will update sooonest....lol
Stay blessed people and enjoy the rest of your week....... x x xx
Wednesday, 4 March 2009
Ups & Ups ........
Wednesday, 7 May 2008
Mixed feelings

I know some of you might be wondering what the hell is wrong with me and why I sound this way or why i just cant seem to get on with my life without bothering about my family(mum) but it trust me it isn't easy at all.... but i have to be positive and look to the Lord for a sense of direction and a source of strength because i feel drained.
Romans 8:28 "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose."
Monday, 7 April 2008

Monday, 31 March 2008
Mission POSSIBLE !!

This post is one of my random ones so pardon me if i hop from one topic to the other.....
I am a bit frustrated with my weight although friends keep telling me that i look ok. But i don't see ok when i look in the mirror....you see the thing is that I am 5'10 in height and have a figure that hides my weight and it also doesn't help that my big tata's, melon, tits....whatever you call them....already make me feel a bit funny about my body..(dont u go telling me 'big boobs are sexy and all that rubbish) YOU try carrying them around for a day.......
So I have decided to take up RUNNING and Skipping to get me started ... just something to keep fit and possibly shift the love handles and my extra tummy...... Joining the gym is out of the question for now as i had a not so nice experience about 6 months ago when I joined the gym in order to tone up a bit and to shift those bits and guess what....i got really pissed off cus i didnt seem to be toning up or losing any weight although i felt that i was building my stamina , in fact i actually gained a bit more weight over that time and decided to stop going to the gym altogether......
Anyway no shaking... its about time i get back into shape ... as I will have found my Wedding gown for December and will be starting my fittings in a few months and you know I also need to shape up for our Honeymoon period and the life of ever ready and everlasting sex (Morning, afternoon and evening).......lol
Any ideas on ways in which i can shift my 'baby fat' ??? I am really crap at dieting cus i cant do without my agege bread, Eba, Kenkey, Rice , Rice Rice and More Rice oh yes and my pasta.
Lie lie... i will fit into that bikini and into my wedding gown without any wahala. i will be the stunning and blushing bride....I need to knock Mr OFF HIS FEET.....
Anyway.... yours truly is off to look for some running shoes on ebay...
Mission possible? Sure thing !!!!
Ps: This is not a ladies only post ooh so guys please feel free to comment.. i dont want to mention names...dont be silent bloggers ooh..Tuesday, 25 March 2008
Next Level???!!

"There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love." - (1 John 4:18)
To those who are in relationships and considering moving on to the next step....what are your expectations....., what are you looking forward to the most AND WHAT ARE YOU DREDING?
To those who have vowed not to get into serious relationships due to hurt and pain from past relationships..what will it take for you to let someone love you again......??
Oh and is there such a thing as the next level or is Mr just trying to kill my joy....lol?
Any advice.....Simi Speaks .. thats ur Q oohh oya advice us.... x x x x
Monday, 17 March 2008
Goingz Onzs 2

- Because Mr is Nigerian and I am Ghanaian (asking what I will do if Mr. decides to run away with my Children to settle in Nigeria if things do not work out...yeah right and I am just a mum abi)
- Because He is Muslim and I am Christian (I dont know why she keeps going on about this..It was one of my major concerns when Mr and I decided to get really serious about our relationship, he and his family do not expect me to convert and are welcome me as a christian as they have already have a few mixed religious marriages in their family. Mr is aware of the fact that our children need to be raised as Catholic until they are old enough to decided on what they want to be , as this is one of the recommendations of the Catholic church in cases such as mine where the other partner is not of Catholic faith)
- Because his family are of mixed faith both Christians and Muslims (She just doesn't see how they are able to live in peace and sees it as some kind of taboo)
- she wants me to be independent.. have my own house, car ........before getting married(regardless of the fact that my body clock is ticking )What happened to including your life partner in your future plans in order to work towards your future together. My mum just things that I intend to become a useless housewife when i get married. Its like she has no faith in me and just thinks the worst of me...what the hell does she think I payed my own way through 3 yrs of University for?
- she believes that MR is only putting on an act and that he will stop loving me once we start having his kids (yeah right.. using me for 7yrs.. he must have all the time in the world....some other guy would have run a mile after realising how cruel and horrible my mum is)
- that he will definitely want to have 2 more wives because of his religion
Wednesday, 27 February 2008

I met Kaya in Sixth form, I wouldnt say that we were buddies but mates. Just hi's and hello's here and there and brief chats where necessary.
So you might be wondering why I have decided to put up a post in her memory.
I got a phone call from one of my friends last week Tuesday informing me about an accident on the M1 involving Kaya's car and a Royal mail van. News at that time was that it wasnt to clear if Kaya made it as things were still being investigated. I laughed it off and told my friend that people were probably just exaggerating......I said that because I just didnt want to believe what I had just being told and i was trying to be hopeful.
I picked up the London Paper on my way to work and found the story of the accident in the middle page....there had been 4 passengers in the car....2 died on the spot but Kaya and one other passenger had survived the accident just that Kaya was in a coma but was described as being a stable condition.

Everyone set out praying for Kayas recovery and being hopeful......pages sprung all over the internet asking for prayers and hope that Kaya will pull through.
I got a phone call at 2pm .....KAYA PASSED AWAY THIS MORNING!!!
I was in soo much shock and didnt even know whether to cry or scream.......Something died inside me.

But one thing that makes this a bit easy for me to come to terms with is the fact that she lived her life to the full doing what she loved....
Kaya's death has a given me a wake up call and has thought me that life is too short and that we need to make the best of every single day that God grants us because I would have never believed it if anyone had told me years ago that Kaya will die at the age of 23....so young and soo much to live for ....May GOD SPARE OUR LIVES.
3 lives lost from the same accident within the space of 2 weeks....My heart goes out to Kayas's family and those of the 2 other passangers : Danielle aka.D.Krystal & Patience. May your souls rest in the loving arms of our Almighty Father. x x x